The Passage of Time

Time is a difficult thing, a constant, yet one that we can bend and manipulate as easily as rolling the clocks forward or backwards each year for daylight savings. It ticks away each day, the minutes and hours passing unnoticed and unrecorded until yet another sunset brings the night. This passage, that’s the scary part - the lost opportunities, the forgotten memories and the spectacular moments that you’re unlikely to experience ever again.

Available now:


  • J.F. Capps - Winter's Orphans
  • Timothy Pulo - Tick Tock
  • Neil James Hudson - The Reference Library
  • Robert Allen Lupton - Ben Franklin and the Time Balloon
  • Robert Petyo - Past Mistakes
  • Eric Montag - Waiting on Summer
  • Victor Krulle - Hindsight
  • Jason L. Kawa - Our World, the Year 3555
  • Tim Jeffreys - Land of Youth
  • Valerie Alexander - Next Door
  • Jude Mael Erikson - Recursions
  • Dacia M Arnold - I Should Not
  • Fernando Medici - The Blessings of Death
2023© Gypsum Sound Tales